God raised up significant voices from time to time to save and deliver people from oppression, slavery ,Satan and sin. Jesus is our hero
These Are the Heroes with the Passion to Transform Their Communities
Get involved

Together we are building the kingdom of God across the globe by your prayers and sacrificial giving.
We praise God for His faithfulness
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Leadership Team
Board members.
1 Pastor K.K. John
2. Pastor George Kutty
3. Bro. Daniel Evanoha
4. pastor. John Thomas
5 .Pastor Jose Daniel
6. Brother Tom Abraham
7.Brother Keith Nelson
Media Manager: Bro. Jeremy Driscol

Jesus is same yesterday today and forever
God is our provider
We trust in God through His people and the church to provide for all the needs of the ministry for His glory and the extension of His kingdom,

Burundi | Bujumbura
Jesus is the light of the world and we are the salt and light to the world. Let our light shine
Jesus will build His church and gates of hell shall not prevail against it

Cameroon | Douala
Pray without ceasing
1. Please pray for India and south Asia and let us know how we might be praying for you.
2. Please pray for Life TO The World Mission that God will protect ,guide ,lead and provide as it is a faith based ministry trusting God to meet all needs.
3. Please pray for a great harvest that people will receive Jesus as their only savior and Lord. THANK YOU for praying. God bless!