Together we can reach the un reached for Jesus ,change communities and give a smile to the face of a child and hope to the hopeless. Get involved

Support a Bible Training center native student who COME from a non christian back ground to study God’s word and to preach gospel to their own communities and families with $100 every month to provide his/her food, lodging and tuition. Gift code: LTTW455 3. Sponsor a church planter who is trained with $50 a month and provide their food and accommodation to plant churches as Jesus commanded us to go and preach gospel and save souls from eternal hell. You will get his/her name, photo and the testimony of the missionary you are supporting. 100s of missionaries are praying for support. It takes $200 to support a missionary fully. Gift code LTTW 450 4.Support a child to have his/her education and food with $ 25 a month.You will get his/her name and photo of the child you are supporting. Gift code LTTW 458 5:Help us to conduct gospel meetings among 100% unreached people group. There are thousands of villages and towns where there is no church or christian worker and they never have heard the name of Jesus. Faith comes by hearing God’s word. How can they hear without a preacher. Rom 10;10-17. Gift code LTTW. 510 6:Donate to buy more sewing machines to train a helpless women with $100.00 per machine. Gift code LTTW 461 . 7:Donate to help a woman to have her own sewing machine to stand on her own feet. Gift code LTTW 462 8:Donate to purchase school building for poor and needy children. Gift code LTTW 507 9. Donate to buy Bibles and print gospel tracts to give to thousands who have no bible in their own languages . Gift code LTTW 508