THe bread of God is He who comes down from heaven and gives Life to the world(John 6:33)
Giving Life to Many in INDIA AND IN SOUTH ASIA
Who We Are
About us
Statement of Faith.
We believe the Bible to be the inspired, the only infallible authoritative Word of God.
We believe that there is only one God, eternally existent in three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
We believe in our Lord Jesus Christ (God the Son), who is fully human and fully God, in his virgin birth, in his sinless life, in his miracles, in his vicarious and atoning death through his shed blood, in his bodily resurrection, in his ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in his personal return and glory.
We believe that, for the salvation of lost and sinful man, regeneration by the Holy Spirit through faith in Jesus Christ is essential.
We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit by whose indwelling all Christians are enabled to live a godly life and proclaim the Gospel.
We believe in the resurrection of the saved to the resurrection of life and of the lost to the resurrection of damnation.
We believe in the spiritual unity of believers in our Lord Jesus Christ.
About India.
“The harvest is plentiful but the Workers are few. Matthew 9:37”
India Challenges
- 1.2 billion people in area 1/3 the size of the US
- 29 states and 6 Union Territories
- 4,635 people groups, 6,400 castes
- 40% illiterate – equal to the population of the US, Canada and Mexico!
- 18 main languages with over 1,650 dialects
- Over 600 million live in deep poverty with 300 million living below the bread-line
- Per capita income $1455/year
- Religion: Hindu 80%, Muslim 12.5%, Christian 2.4% (less than 1% in Northern India)
- Over 600,000 villages – 2/3 of these villages have no Christian resident workers!
Life to the world is vital to reach the nation of India for Christ due to the following distinct reasons:
- Identification:The nationals easily identify with the locals and they know their culture and language.
- Contextualization:This is essential and biblical. Since the nationals understand the languages, cultures and concepts of the people and their faith, they are able to develop appropriate and effective strategies to preach the whole Gospel clearly. A ‘Western’ evangelistic style is unlikely to touch the nationals and their needs.
- Access and receptivity:Since the nationals know the languages and cultures, they are easily accessible to the local people and they are more receptive to the Gospel presentations.
- Continuity:The nationals do not need VISAs or furloughs. They can serve in any closed countries! This is their home and no one can deport them.
5. Economics: A native missionary can be sent out at a fraction of the cost of a Western missionary (about $75,000 per year). In fact, the average cost is only $720 to $1,200 per year
Our Foundation – Values
- Christ before Career: We have absolute trust and faith in the Word of God, and we are committed to honor Christ by obeying everything that He commands us to do, and living humbly and sacrificially.
- Character before Ministry: We are committed to develop Christ-like leaders through various innovative missional programs so that people will see Christ and want to follow Him for doing His will.
- Unity before Growth:We are committed to being truly evangelical, inter-denominational and multi-cultural.
- Ownership before Organization: We are committed to establish autonomous and self-supporting churches and church-based projects. This is ownership, and we avoid long-term dependency of the national church

Our Approach
We Facilitate Safe Learning Spaces
Children are the future of the nation. Train a child in the way it should grow and facilitate education for all, for the poorest and for marginalized
People before Program:We are committed to build people on the basis of their specific call and gifts in order to develop various ministries to meet the needs of people in the community. Disciple making is the number one priority of Life to the world churches.
Unreached before Reached: We are committed to reach the unreachedstrategically, with the help of indigenous leadership.
— Our Mission
To know God and make Him known.
— Our Vision
Reach the un-reached at any cost
— Our Story
- Integrity before Popularity: We are committed to practice absolute integrity and accountability.