Life To The World Mission - Giving Life To Many!

Great commission will be a great completion one day(Matt 28:18-20).It is only possible because we work together

Who We Are

 Life To The World Mission is reaching India and south Asia with the great commission of Jesus Christ. Jesus died for all people .  Native missionaries are the best. How can they preach without being sent? Rom 10:10-17) Life To The World is transforming communities through Christ’s Love. It runs schools for the poorest of the poor, orphans, planting churches, training missionaries and support them and preaching the good news,  For whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved. How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? Faith comes by hearing by God’s word. How can they preach unless they are sent? ( Rom 10:13-15

Life to the World is a full time mission organization to reach the un-reached of India and of south Asia. It has its head quarters in Calcutta where so many people are destitute, orphans and the poorest of the poor. We provide many needed services and opportunities for those in need.
We follow the example of healing set by Mother Teresa but also focus on the whole life and training of children and families to live a life in Christ. Life to the world mission is changing communities with the love of God .

“John Thomas and the Life to the World team are being used of God as a mighty channel of blessing to the people of Kolkata and India – bringing education, healing and salvation to millions. He is modern-day Apostle Paul to his people everywhere, including to the millions of Indians overseas! We are thrilled to endorse and support Brother Thomas and his unique, global ministry. He is a servant of Christ who loves the Word of God and operates his ministry with greatest humility, integrity and wisdom.” – Dr. Bill Bray, President, Overseas Students Mission, Charlottesville, Virginia

What We Do


— We Find & Fund

Life To The World Mission takes care of poor,Dalit, orphans, street and slum children. Ask us how you can sponsor a child and aid their education, food with $25 a month. Transforming communities by Christ’s love!


— We Build Networks

We do networking with local churches and church planters through out India and south Asia and aid their ministries to work more effectively


— We Strengthen

We  strengthen  who are week  through counseling and prayers. We train native church planters for planting churches where there is  no church


— We Educate

 Educating  the communities on subjects on health awareness, cleanliness, how to prevent communicable diseases etc by seminars and conferences. Providing also non formal school to for those who do not have regular schooling


— We Provide Care

Our Team visit elderly and week people to give free necessary help


— We conduct gospel meetings

We preach gospel through evangelistic good news meeting to save people from sin and power of Satan through Jesus Christ’s salvation messages. People  get new hope and peace and deliverances from different addictions .

Impact Stories

Sapan Chacroborth was a Hindu priest and was without hope and joy. One day he heard the gospel and he accepted Christ and now he serves Lord Jesus as his servant. God blessed him with peace and joy now

Ravi and his wife  Ahinsa were born in a hindunfaily and did not know Jesus.They were without any joy and was in problems most of the time. They heard gospel from us and accepted Christ. They got joy peace and their prayers were answered and now they are blessed and happy. Glory to God.

A Brighter Future — For Kolkata's(calcutta) Children blessed by God

 Many poor children get an education from LIFE TO THE WORLD SCHOOL   and have a brighter future and hope.
